American Ambulance EMS Podcast
Looking for some fun EMS education? Hosted by American Ambulance's Medical Director, Dr. Danielle Campagne, along with her UCSF-Fresno colleagues, Drs. Patil Armenian and Saajan Bhakta, they discuss practical, pertinent, and evidence-based topics that you can use today to take care of your community. They also bring in guests from all parts of the EMS world to highlight the heroes among us, and share their unique take on challenging situations. Join us, let’s learn together and thrive.
American Ambulance EMS Podcast
113. Pediatric Foreign Bodies
American Ambulance
Kids test everything, even how far that marble can fit up their nose...or worse! Join us as we discuss how to recognize these cases that are often hard or even impossible to easily diagnose. While usually not too serious, these cases can definitely be dangerous, even deadly.